Live Longer Better

Why not get in touch today?

Telephone: 07765894945

Email: [email protected]

Change Your Attitude to Ageing!

Send us your contact details for access to Sir Muir Gray’s Live Longer Better course.

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Please let us know what's on your mind. Have a question for us? Ask away.

The Future at Home Survey

Our survey will help you in adapting your home, and your life, to ensure you can stay in your home for as long as possible.

  • Full of resource ideas

  • Reliable advice and practical tips

  • Products and services tailored to your specific needs

  • Ideas to help us all be more social, or to keep a sense of purpose

  • Complete one for each resident

“I felt it was a very caring, honest, well-informed report. I was surprised at the detail and the variety.” 
Judi, 54, Warwickshire.

I am really impressed with the suggestions and ideas, and how thorough and detailed it all was.” 

Mary, 71, Oxfordshire.

“They have obviously done a serious amount of research on this and it gets a thumbs up from me.”
Ed, 57, Oxfordshire