Speakers for Hire

Event Speakers

Changing how, and where, we age is no less than a revolution. We need to spread the word and initiate debate at all levels.

I have gathered here some of the leading thinkers on the future of Ageing, Housing, Community, and Retirement to challenge the norms and propose some solutions.

Based in Oxfordshire, but available nation wide, we are available to entertain and educate your audience.

Man in hat holding drink


If your organisation, group, company, or department are looking to entertain and educate an audience with a focus on Ageing, Housing and Inclusion, we have a speaker who is right for you.

Miles Walkden works for a multi-award winning Domiciliary Care company, introducing the Buurtzorg model of care to the UK. He owns and runs ‘A Future at Home’, a website and movement that promotes Ageing-in-Place principles. His funny and engaging talks often bring humour to illuminate some darker areas of one of the biggest challenges of our lifetimes -staying out of the Care Home by increasing health-span and adapting the places we love.

Professor Sir Muir Gray is a British physician, who has held some of the most senior positions in screening, public health, information management, and value in healthcare. A seasoned keynote speaker and panel host, Muir talks about a revolution in how we approach our later years, and brings to life the notion that we all need to change how we speak about ageing in modern Britain and beyond.

Man in hat holding drink
Man leaning on stair rail smiling into camera

Charlie Luxton is an architectural designer who combines his design work with writing and broadcasting. A fixture of British TV, and a celebrated advocate of sustainability, his aim is to create beautiful, energy efficient buildings that age gracefully and don’t cost the earth to build or maintain. Charlie is a wonderful speaker who delights audiences with his vision of better housing for all.

George Ogier started life as a Sports Journalist and more recently is know for speaking passionate about EDI and disability issues, in particular creating more inclusive workspaces. With equality, diversity and inclusion under particular threat at this time, George brings a human approach to considering how we fight against current trends.

Man in hat holding drink
Ageing in Place

Miles Walkden

Like many who are re-thinking how, and where, we spend our later years, Miles became interested in the subject when helping his parents navigate the changes needed to grow old safely, comfortably and happily in the house they loved.

Working in the care sector highlighted the need for us all to rethink our approach to ageing, retirement and money.

After working with Muir Gray on his Live Longer Better programme, Miles started A Future at Home to try and bring together the principles of ageing well with the principles of Ageing in Place.

Miles has a fun and engaging approach to talking about what can be a daunting subject He injects quick humour.

“Miles is speaking about an important subject that we are all going to have to focus on in the coming years” Sir Muir Gray

“He brings a humour to a subject that can be quite dark, often managing to bring light to things we are all guilty of keeping in the dark” James Styring

Optimal Ageing and Better Value Healthcare

Sir Muir Gray

Professor Sir Muir Gray has worked in the Public Health Service Sector, in England since 1972.

He is currently an Executive Director of the Oxford Value and Stewardship Programme, Director of The Optimal Ageing Programme, and Founding Director of the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP). Sir Muir’s work focuses on increasing value for populations and patients by systems design and culture change.

A veteran of the public speaking arena, Muir has been delighting audiences for years with his humorous and insightful take on how we must revolutionise attitudes to ageing if we are to mitigate the population imbalance facing us in the coming years. His engaging explanation of the changes we must all make will leave your audience hopeful for the future of life lived longer and better.

Man leaning on stair rail smiling into camera
Sustainable Housing

Charlie Luxton

Charlie Luxton is an architectural designer who combines his design work with writing and broadcasting.

Since he first appeared on our screens in 2000 as the presenter of Channel 5’s Modern British Architects, Charlie has become best known for fronting programmes centred around architecture, sustainability, and design both in the UK and the US.

Charlie is passionate about the environment and communicating his enthusiasm for sustainable architecture and eco-friendly design.

He now runs the Charlie Luxton Design architecture firm, where he puts his ideas around sustainable design into practice, including designing both his own home and the company’s HQ in the Cotswolds.

“Charlie was great and his talk gave everyone a lot to think about… there’s been lots of talk about how to implement changes inspired by Charlie’s talk.”
E.Surv Lenders Senate
“Charlie’s speech was very well received by all involved, he speaks with such genuine passion and enthusiasm. He was absolutely the right person to launch our new Energy Hub. The whole afternoon was a resounding success. ”
Fareham College Energy Hub 
“Charlie delivered an incredibly passionate and engaging presentation at our self-build and community-led housing event…we could have listened to him all night.”
Eden District Council
“The feedback from our partners, tenants and colleagues was nothing but positive. Charlie was the exact person we needed on the day.”
South Western Housing Society 75th Birthday Celebrations
EDI and disability

George Ogier

George works supporting community-owned businesses in predominantly rural areas to help create more sustainable, innovative, and inclusive communities for the Plunket Foundation.

He is passionate about EDI, and disability in particular, as a topic close to his heart and fundamental in creating more inclusive workspaces.

As a committee member and speaker of numerous panels discussing how we can make the spaces around us work for everyone in society, George brings a unique insight to how we can all ‘do better’ when planing our surroundings

“George is a great speaker who leaves you with a better understanding of the world around you through other people’s eyes.”  S. Davies

Other Resources

Find like minded organisation doing important work:

www.agewithoutlimits.org – ideas to challenge ageism, key campaign updates, debate around ageism in the news, social media influencers changing the game, real-life stories about ageism or challenging stereotypes, and more!

www.tcpa.org.uk resources/webinar-healthy-ageing-in-place-2/ -The TCPA’s vision is for homes, places and communities in which everyone can thrive. Our mission is to challenge, inspire and support people to create healthy, sustainable and resilient places that are fair for everyone.

Would you like a 1 hour consultation on adapting your home, or helping your parents adapt theirs?