Learning Resources

Live Longer Better – Sir Muir Gray

The number of people over 80 is going to increase significantly in the next ten years with little increase in healthy life expectancy in prospect. This has huge implications for health and social care services.  It doesn’t have to be this way. Muir’s video based e-learning will change your attitude to ageing forever.

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Strong Evidence

The evidence is strong that we can reduce the risk of falls, prevent and delay dementia, disability and frailty.  In turn, this will reduce the need for long term health and social care by approximately £45m per million of population for every year of healthy life expectancy. More of the same won’t achieve this and nor will yet another reorganisation of health and social care services. A revolution is underway, enabled by an integrated system for living longer better.

Knowledge is the Elixir of Life – the way we think about ageing is wrong; the new evidence from research lets us re-imagine ageing and then realise the new paradigm .

Sir Muir Gray,

A revolution is underway, enabled by an integrated system for living longer better, with the following objectives:

  • Prevent and mitigate isolation
  • Increase physical ability, resilience and healthspan, and to prevent falls and frailty
  • Promote knowledge and understanding about living longer better among older people and the wider population to counteract the detrimental effects of ageism
  • Create an environment in which people can fulfil their potential
  • Activate people and enable strengthening of purpose
  • Support carers better
  • Minimise and mitigate the effects of deprivation
  • Reduce the risk of, and delay or prevent dementia
  • Prevent and minimise the effects of disease and multimorbidity
  • Enable dying well as well as living well

These objectives are being delivered by local networks.

Already about 30 million of the population are supported by networks of AgeUK, the Active Partnerships, the NHS, Local Authorities and sites like A Future at Home. ​These networks are also leading a cultural revolution to create a positive environment which recognises the talents and potential of older people and appreciates what is needed to reduce the obstacles that too often prevent people realising their potential to contribute to society.

​Living Longer Better complements and supplements the Aging well Programme of NHS England. The Ageing Well programme takes a systematic approach to identifying all the people with frailty, or at high risk of developing frailty, and ensuring the NHS clinical teams, particularly in primary care, take effective, evidence-based action to prevent deterioration and unnecessary hospital admission, because of the adverse effect that has on people with frailty no matter how high the quality of care in the hospital.

Join Muir’s Online Course

If you would like to learn more from Muir, his Optimal Ageing programme – Live Longer Better is available as an online course. If you are an individual, or part of a group who would like to understand more please see below…

What’s Included

The live longer better course is based on a lifetime of experience and scientific research and will encourage you to re-examine the way you look at the process of ageing. You will finish the course with a new-found positive outlook on this process.

Sir Muir explores actions you can take to optimise your health by delving into the science behind the brain. He demonstrates how you can reduce your risk of dementia and disease, and improve your overall wellbeing.

Sir Muir’s aim is to inspire you to change your life, helping you to divulge a plan so that you can optimise your brain health and cognitive function, enabling you to live your best life. You will learn about the importance of physical exercise, and how your fitness levels will directly impact the ageing process.

This course has been developed for anyone who is looking to live a better life, and for anyone who is caring for an elderly person.

You’ll learn:

  • about the ageing process
  • creating a personal fitness plan to stay active
  • how to reduce the risk of disease as you age
  • challenging ageism
  • keeping your brain active by learning new skills
  • reducing the risk of a bad death
  • how make small changes to live longer better

The Course Includes

  • 12 on-demand video lessons – presented by Sir Muir Gray
  • lifetime access to the videos, notes and interactive class
  • flexible classes – join and learn when and where you like
  • downloadable lesson notes
  • practical wellness projects (with tutor feedback available)
  • access on your mobile, PC, Mac or laptop
  • small interactive online classroom – chat online to students from around the world and share your creative ideas
To access the course, which normally costs £45, Please email [email protected] to receive your code and instructions to Join.

AFAH introductory price £29

Access to Sir Muir Gray’s Live Longer Better Online Video course, reduced from £45
This course is Online and prerecorded so you can take it at any time
You will have the option of talking with others on the course through an online chat room (included)
You will have the option on completing and sharing online assignments (included)