Making a choice – A future in Care or…

A Future at Home

Future-proofing your house, and yourself, for your later years doesn’t have to be complicated. Making informed choices and installing the right technology now will ensure that when the time comes, you can choose between a future in care – or A Future at Home.

Starting your ‘Ageing in Place’ journey

Welcome to A Future at Home (AFAH), a place to learn about, and plan for, ageing. Specifically, we want to help you learn how to make adaptations now to help keep you or a loved one in your own home for as long as possible.

Under the AFAH umbrella, we bring together expert advice along with links to organisations and services that can help with two main issues:

  • Future-proofing our houses so we can grow old in them – ageing in place
  • Introducing technology (AgeTech) to improve our lives.

Watch our introductory video, browse the links at the top of the site to learn more about us, and complete the AFAH Survey.

Picture of all the rrom covered on the room by room page
Smart Tech

AFAH – Room by Room

Start your Journey by visiting our main page which will show you what you can do to adapt each room in the house, and change the activities you associate with each space. You’ll find all the help you needs.

The Future at Home Survey

Our survey will help you in adapting your home, and your life, to ensure you can stay in your home for as long as possible.

  • Full of resource ideas

  • Reliable advice and practical tips

  • Products and services tailored to your specific needs

  • Ideas to help us all be more social, or to keep a sense of purpose

  • Complete one for each resident

“I felt it was a very caring, honest, well-informed report. I was surprised at the detail and the variety.” 
Judi, 54, Warwickshire.

I am really impressed with the suggestions and ideas, and how thorough and detailed it all was.” 

Mary, 71, Oxfordshire.

“They have obviously done a serious amount of research on this and it gets a thumbs up from me.”
Ed, 57, Oxfordshire